Garden Green Collection from Quut Toys


The new Garden Collection from Quut Toys is a new collection full off gardening tools for kids. The collection consist of a bucket with accompanying sieve, ergonomic rake, a shovel and a watering can. Every toy from the green collection is made from strong recyclable plastic. The collection has a nice design with a beautifull colorpallet and has a long life span. The toys helps childeren with their mobility, feather image, creativity and is stimulating for childeren to play outside.

The brand Quut Toys is founded in 2012 with the idea to create toys that are from good quality, long lasting, looks beautifull and are durable. The brand thinks it is importent to create toys that have a value to people and not just thrown away after a few times of playing. The Toys From Quut have a beautifull desing and are ergonomic.

Quut is avalaible on their webshop: Weshop Quut


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