Scandinavian Living - the home of Anouk


Each time we finish a production for the Scandinavian Living magazine we feel proud and happy to work for such a great magazine and to see so many beautiful homes that we can capture. 

The latest Scandinavian Living magazine is out and in stores. For this edition we captured the home of Anouk and her family. After living in several countries across Europe they realised their dream home in the north of the Netherlands. After following Anouk for a while through instagram, it was so nice to finally meet in real, capturing her home and talking about our work and passion. 

One of the most beautiful spaces in this home is the entrance and hallway showing the structure of the home and connecting all the different levels and rooms.


Get a copy of Scandinavian Living to see and read more about this home. 

styling APRIL AND MAY | photography SJOERD EICKMANS