villa arena shopping

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Last week we told you about the Villa ArenA window project we are currently working on. After making our inspiration moodboard we went shopping at the ‘Villa ArenA woonmall‘. As we told before, the window will be all about combining products from the different stores at Villa ArenA, discovering your own creativity and looking beyond all there is to offer in the mall. We found some beautiful products which we will combine in the shopping window. Above you'll find a sneak preview of some of the products we are going to use. We found some beautiful materials, that combine perfectly with our theme.

You can follow our inspiration at our Pinterest board ‘Villa ArenA shop window‘ where we will add the things that inspire us for this project and some of the items we have picked to use in the window.

Next week we will show you a little sneak preview, so keep following the project and let us know what you think!


mirror coop


T&S | M Architecture