green must have in june: anthurium

Lately, we are surrounded by green plants.. And that's something we really like! So we turned our studio into a green zone with the beautiful Anthurium: a flowering plant with a lot of green leaves. Unique, because it fits in every interior, modern, classic....this plant will fit! The Anthurium comes in different sizes and a lot of colors.. red, pink, purple, orange, yellow.. and white.. Which is our personal favorite :) 
So you are thinking.. this plant will not survive in our home?! Well.. it's very easy to keep this green one alive. It needs a light spot, but not to much direct sunlight, and every week a half cup of water. You will see that it will be a bright green plant, with fresh leaves and flowers..!
More information, tips and tricks you will find at Mooi wat planten doen
So.. Which plants do you already have in your home?
This is a sponsored post by Bloemenbureau- Mooi wat planten doen and is financed with aid of the European Union. 
Check them at Twitter @watplantendoen



Kilda West House by Kennedy Nolan Architects


palm prints