blogspotting: Petite Passport

Such a great blog to share with case you haven't already discovered it:) 
Petite Passport is your place to search for the right hotspots when you are traveling or visiting a cool place in your own country. Petite Passport is the blog of Pauline Egg and this is what she says about her blog and herself

I just love, love, love hotspots. Not the ones you will find in every guidebook, but the more special ones. Shame on me, but I don’t go to a restaurant because the food is superb (well that’s a nice extra) but because of the interior. I like to sit on a Verner Panton chair or eat under a Tom Dixon lightbulb. On this blog I hope to collect all the nicest (design) places on earth. To get you, and myself, motivated to travel the world!

Just visit her place and get's really fun!


the Scarlet Hotel


holiday mood